Training Manual Tecnam P2002JF | Issue date 01-04-2025 V3.1
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To establish and maintain coordinated straight and level flight, at a constant airspeed, constant altitude, in a constant direction
To maintain straight and level flight at selected airspeeds and power settings
To regain straight and level flight
Maintaining Straight and Level
Keep a constant attitude and adjust if needed
Check altimeter, airspeed, vertical speed one at a time
Corrections for pitch if needed (do not chase needles)
Other instruments and gauges (oil, coolant pressure), less frequently
Straight and Level (95, 55 and 110 KIAS)
Common errors
Chasing needles
Not selecting the correct attitude
Apply left rudder
No rudder
input needed
Apply right rudder
Straight and Level
Changes in power must be coordinate with rudder (“step on the ball”)
Keep your aircraft coordinated (no side slip)
Low airspeed = High pitch and vice versa (constant altitude)
Pitching up/down with trim