Training Manual Tecnam P2002JF | Issue date 01-04-2025 V3.1
© 2025 Vliegschool Hilversum. All rights reserved.
Use the aircraft controls correctly to manoeuvre the aircraft on the ground at a speed appropriatefor the prevailing conditions and situations, following a selected path and stopping at a nominated point
Ground Exercise
Seat position is adjusted and comfortable
Once engine is warm, use enough power to overcome inertia
Test brakes after moving from parking position
Maintain safe taxi speed (fast walking pace)
Maintain the taxi line (yellow line through the student’s right knee)
Turn using the rudder pedals to steer the nosewheel
Caution propwash from other aircraft
During taxi and turning, check instruments:
Left turn
Right turn
Look out
Traffic 11 o’clock
Traffic 1 o’clock
Stick right neutral
into wind
Stick left neutral
into wind
Stick forward left
Stick left neutral into wind
Stick forward right
Stick right neutral into wind
Stop by closing throttle and applying the parking brake(never brake and use power at the same time)
Nosewheel straight and set parking brake
In no wind conditions, pull stick during taxiing to relieve pressure on nosewheel
In wind conditions: